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AEA · Center Punch Diabolo Pellets · Cal .25 (6.35mm) · Weight 2.2g (33.9gr)


The More You Buy, The More You Save!

Add 5 or more pellet tins to your cart, and the fifth one is FREE! Discount applied at checkout.

How It Works:

  • Mix and match any pellet tins to reach a total of 5 or more.
  • Choose your favorites—no need to buy the same model.
  • Add at least 5 units, discount applies automatically.


If you are (or becoming) a professional shooter, you can save 33% by purchasing the Master Box (30 tins) and get the best value for your money!
Shop the Master Box here.

AEA Center Punch Diabolo Airgun Pellets

Technical Specifications

Inside The Box

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